penis pump is the world’s first water-based device for enlarging the penis,
with instant sustainable results - and it’s a whole lot of fun too! The device is filled with water
and placed over the penis, sealing at the base against your body. The gaiter acts as both a
seal and as the pump mechanism. As you compress the device against your body, excess
water is expelled causing a hydro vacuum which is much stronger than you could create with
an air based vacuum pump. Over time it is thought that most individuals can gain between
1-3 inches in length with a 25% increase in girth!
Hercules q The original and best selling penis enhancer in three great colours. Blue Code SP0027 Clear Code SP0852 Red Code SP0854 £80.00 each Hydromax X30 q Greater suction than the Hercules with other advances for greater comfort and faster gains. Max Diameter 46mm. Max Length 180mm. Clear Code SP1780 Blue Code SP1781 Red Code SP1782 £110.00 each Goliath q 30% bigger in all directions than the standard Hercules to accomodate the already large penis. Max Diameter 66mm. Max Length 250mm. Blue only. Code SP0028 £130.00 Hydromax X40 q All the advantages of the X30, plus the X40 is 15% bigger! Max Diameter 56mm. Max Length 215mm. Clear Code SP1898 Blue Code SP1899 Red Code SP0964 £145.00 each only £ 80 only £ 110 only £ 145 only £ 130Bathmate
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